CWA Members Overwhelmingly Vote to Ratify NJ State Worker Contract

After more than a year of preparation, mobilization, and tough bargaining with the State of New Jersey, our 35,000 members voted to ratify our 2023-2027 Executive Branch contract by 94.01% to 5.99%.

Administrative-Clerical Unit

Yes – 96.21%
No – 3.79%

Professional Unit

Yes – 93.97%
No – 6.03%

Primary Level Supervisors Unit

Yes – 92.77%
No – 7.23%

Higher Level Supervisors

Yes – 92.60%
No – 7.4%


Yes – 94.01%
No – 5.99%

This was an unprecedented effort by our bargaining committee, Local and District leaderships, shop stewards, mobilizers, and most of all, our membership. Workers up and down the state came together to fight for a fair contract that recognizes our members’ hard work keeping New Jersey going strong. The result is a historic contract with significant gains that delivered on our goals and sets a foundation for continued work in several areas.

When we fight together, we win!

In Solidarity,

Dennis Trainor, District 1 Vice President
William Gallagher, District 1 Assistant to the VP
Fran Ehret, NJ Area Director
John Rose, Local 1031
Migdalia Santiago, Local 1032
Gaye Palmer, Local 1033
Adam Liebtag, Local 1036
Ken McNamara, Local 1037
Shawn Ludwig, Local 1038
Michele Long-Vickers, Local 1040

We could not achieve this success without the support of all of our members. If you aren’t a member and want to become one, please see your branch president or shop steward for a membership card, or download one at


State Worker Contract Elections – VOTE NOW!

State Worker Contract Voting Continues Until Monday at Noon!

  • Be sure to check your SPAM Folder or Junk Mail Folder for your ballot, search for “Election Buddy”
  • Email contains a unique link for you to vote, do not share it with anyone else
  • Check here for details of the contract proposal, including four 3.5% COLA increases and an 11th Step for all CWA state workers

CWA Local 1031 Election Results

I am pleased to announce the election results from CWA Local 1031.  The election committee verified the statements and the signatures for Kathleen Hernandez, for President and John Polk, for Secretary/Treasurer. Since these were the only individual petitions received, both have won by acclamation.  See the official letter attached.


CWA Local 1031 Election Committee
Denise Williams, Chair
Cristina Molinari
Michael Milling


CWA 1031 Local Election Results – Official Committee Letter

CWA-State of NJ 2023-2027 Tentative Contract Information

As we announced on September 28th, CWA has come to a tentative agreement with the State of New Jersey on a new contract, running from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027.

Attached are some more documents that will help you to understand the terms of this proposed agreement.

All dues-paying CWA members will be given the opportunity to vote on this contract in the coming weeks. To make sure you don’t miss out on any information and get the opportunity to vote on this agreement, become a member today by speaking with your worksite branch president, shop steward, or by filling out a membership card online at

CWA and State of New Jersey Reach Tentative Contract

CWA is extremely proud to announce that it has reached a tentative agreement with the State of New Jersey for a new contract covering our 35,000 members in the executive branch. We are finalizing the terms in writing and will provide details directly to our membership in the coming days.

To be clear, any success and power CWA has at the bargaining table is based on membership solidarity, patience, and strength. When we fight, we win. Together, we fought for a pattern-breaking contract and this tentative agreement has significant gains for members in every part of CWA’s membership.

Since February, our membership has been unified in its goal of winning significant salary growth, protecting healthcare, and recognizing telework as a new reality in many of our worksites. This tentative agreement delivers strongly on those goals and sets a foundation for continued work in several areas.

Compensation Package

  • Wins the largest across-the-board package over the life of the contract since our 2007-2011 contract, with members receiving raises averaging between 19% and 35%
  • Provides across-the-boards of 14%, exclusive of annual step increases which average an additional 3.7% per year. The first ATB is retroactive to July 1, 2023.
  • Adds Step 11 to top of all pay ranges, effective July 2025
  • Adjusts all titles below range 9 to at least Range 9-step 2, establishing a new minimum salary for all CWA-represented positions, effective July 2024
  • Secures Clothing Maintenance Allowance payments for the life of the contract, retroactive for 2023

Health Benefits

  • Secures our current plan design and contribution increases – secured our current contribution rates for CWA Unity Direct
  • Continues negotiations on plan design issues such as copays through the State Plan Design Committee, and all affected unions


  • Establishes process for continued negotiations on telework program to start October 15, 2023 and end by March 15, 2024 before the Civil Service Commission considers a permanent rule
  • Provides a process to address exclusions of members in the departments of Children and Families and Law and Public Safety

Our tentative agreement also secures improved health and safety procedures, agreements to reduce and convert temporary positions into full-time bargaining unit positions, changes to Civil Service issues like out-of-title work appeals and supervisory position requirements, and continued negotiations to place Rowan SOM members in the state ranges and steps.

We look forward to sharing full details by early next week once the parties have signed off on the final documents, which is in progress.

Your Local leadership will distribute the Tentative Agreement materials and schedule membership meetings to explain the agreement and ratification procedures.



Dennis Trainor, District 1 Vice President
William Gallagher, District 1 Assistant to the VP

Fran Ehret, NJ Area Director

John Rose, Local 1031
Migdalia Santiago, Local 1032
Gaye Palmer, Local 1033
Adam Liebtag, Local 1036
Ken McNamara, Local 1037
Shawn Ludwig, Local 1038
Michele Long-Vickers, Local 1040