On Friday, January 12th, CWA Area Director for NJ Fran Ehret joined Local 1031 for the swearing in of officers for their new term. Kathleen Hernandez, formerly Vice President of Local 1031 was sworn in as President, along with John Polk, Secretary-Treasurer, as well as presidents of CWA Local 1031’s branches across New Jersey.
Everyone at CWA Local 1031 would like to thank John Rose for his many years of hard work and leadership. John tirelessly fought for the best interests of his members and all state workers, making sure they were always well represented, regardless of who was in charge in Trenton. John Rose kept the labor movement’s promise of fair and equitable treatment for all, and we wish him nothing but the best as he enjoys his well-earned retirement. CWA 1031 will continue to follow his example as we head into the future.